Nicole Picard of Blue eyed Coquette

A long time fashion designer, artist and now sewing teacher. Nicole has been involved in a number of Upcycling and Recycling workshops for the City of Montreal as well as collaborating with the non-profit organization The S.W.A.P team (the clothing exchange) and owned Fairyesque . Now based on her whimsical flare for fashion Nicole brings us beautiful hair accessories & brooches for her collection" Blue-eyed Coquette". She will be featured in the Quartier Mode pop-up shop on June 11th and 12th.

1) What inspires you?
Anything reminiscent of summer like reading biographies, drinking real blueberry tea, eating Tarte au Pomme,wearing 50’s full skirts, hula hooping,nails painted in warm tones,my pink $40 bike and ladybugs.

2) How did you get started? I started sewing when I was 12 and the rest of the creativeness unfolded. I would usually have 3 projects going at the same time, often fabric centred.
3) What is your current vice or trend or obsession? Small delicate jewellery, anything turquoise and golden or shimmery and loads of belts
4) What advice would you give to someone trying to make their dreams a reality? Give yourself a chance to follow your passion, find people who support you in this, always try something once and don’t be shy to put yourself out there. Somehow you will find your way if you stay open-minded to everyone and everything you will encounter along the way.

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