eco christmas gift ideas

eco christmas gift ideas by Closet Coveting by tiffany elton featuring vintage heels

Some Eco Christmas gift ideas for this year... what about some vintage brooches, you
can present them in a pretty box or use them as pretty ad ons next to your bow on the outside of a gift for an extra gift as part of another gift!
Or what about taking some vintage shoes and bedazzling them in sequins and beads and crystals for a friend who likes some extra bling on her feet.... for personal romantic touch, buy a vintage picnic basket and make or put a quilt made from recycled scrap fabric in it, ( this set from jayson home and garden), preloved has pretty ones too. I would put a nice bottle of whiskey or wine or champagne or all 3 in it for the one I love, with some home made cookies or a jar of home made cocoa powder with marshmallows already in it and a note inviting them to a romantic winter picnic in the living room. A set of transfer ware stacked and wrapped in a bow could be nice too, you can find lots of vintage transfer ware at your local thrift stores or on etsy.  More good presents found in both those places could be milk glass! Vintage milk glass can be found all over, and comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, from small bowls to giant vases... you can find a few mismatching shapes and fill them with soy candle wax mixed with your favorite essential oils for a nice smelling organic candle.
Other ideas: A decorative bowl made from old records, a bouquet of flowers made from re-purposed tin from Make some home made truffles or fudge and put them in a pretty jar.... What about a lemon or and orange tree, the sentiment will last forever and give gifts for years to come... or an Origins gift set of organic beauty products made without parabens or all that bad stuff.

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