It's tomorrow, I turn 30!

Good bye 20s, hello 30s! It is tomorrow! A few months ago I was a wreck over it, but all the ideas I frantically wanted to achieve by 30 kept me pre-occupied. I gave up on the pressure of it a while ago, okay maybe like 2 weeks ago, but I am perfectly happy to turn 30 tomorrow, I feel like I did a lot over the last decade. I welcome the's to the refined new adult me.... to new 30s outfits: Glasses check, lady like designer dress check (the one in the photo is Stella McCartney), woman purse check ... woman shoes check ...And here's to redecorating to suit my new refined self, I am inspired by Erin Fetherston's Paris apartment. And  here's to all the new projects to come.
(I have been working my butt off to unleash something fun in the Spring)
I wonder if you do wake up all self satisfied, a grounded, relaxed woman who knows exactly what to do?
People say you do.

I am 30

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