The Great Fabric Hunt is OVER!

Yes it is true! I am done fabric shopping, I have it all. It took on a different form than I had orginially planned but I am happy with it.
It is very Spring in Paris... picture ladies out in their cute outfits, on the first sunny warm day at a table on a terrace on a cobble stone street, drinking coffee amongst the pretty architecture, it is very vintage inspired too, with big rustic flowers.
My first collection with a diversity in color.... nervous.
And guess what!? I fought the urge.... No black! I will save that for Fall.
So onto the completion of the patterns! I am almost there..... I always need to get into the mind frame and once I do, it's go go go, day and night, pile of paper cuttings on the floor. I like to leave it and not sweep until I am all done and wade through the feels like accomplishment. I also like it when I get on a rhythm and all the patterns start making sense to me, it's like when you haven't spoken your second language for a long time, and once you get to a city that speaks it, after a few drinks and a few conversations you are back in it, yack yack yacking. I love the tools for patterns too, the knotchers, the tracing wheels, the puncher,all kinds of rulers...I like it. I like it. I like it.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the creations in the flesh, not just on paper!!!

Stokes said...

Wow - I wish I could see all this in person. Wait a minute - I WILL! I'm coming back to Montreal!!!

Probably the end of the month - does that work for you? I'll be staying at the Delta for a night (on work - woot!) and possibly coming with a couple Toronto ladies. CANT WAIT to see you again and tell Steve I'll bring his present.

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