The great fabric hunt continued

So mid morning the sun came out, and the ice started melting and making beautiful crackling noises and falling to the ground like some miracle! It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day!
I went all over town and ended up semi successful, I had to change a bunch of my pre-existing ideas, I let my gut lead the way though.... I did not buy any black fabric! Which is huge for me. I feel like my last collection type casted me as a pin up designer only, yes everything in my personal closet is red, black and leopard print and was for my Fall/Winter 2008 Collection but like Vicky of Noir-de-Mars scolded me, I can't design for just myself. ( But I kinda can, shhhhh, I am contemplating letting color come back into my wardrobe)
Ok I am using some leopard print but it's delicate and pretty....
I got some good fabrics today, my fingers are actually rubbed raw like I predicted from feeling all the fabrics.
One fabric shop had a sign that said no touching..... I left, are you kinding me, I have to touch's a compulsion. I came home sore and somewhat satisfied with more of an idea and renewed inspiration as to where this collection is going and renewed hope that I will actually pull it off, one step closer.
All my days off work will have to be this productive until show time or else.
(Pay no heed to the shapes in my direction of the collection collage, they are pieces I like that give an idea of the direction my fabrics are going in...)
I'm not making a jean shirt but boy do I want one!

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